Slovakia: General information
Official name: Slovak Republic
State formation date: 1.1.1993
State system: republic
Political system: parliamentary democracy
Constitutional and legislative power: National Council of the SR (150 members of Parliament elected for 4 years)
Executive power: President of the SR (elected for 5 years) and government of the SR
Judiciary power: Constitutional court a courts
President: Ivan Gašparovič (since 2004) (List of Presidents of Slovakia)
Prime Minister: Iveta Radičová (since 2010) (List of Prime Ministers of Slovakia)
State symbols: state symbol, state flag, state seal, national anthem
Official language: Slovak
Currency: Euro, 1 € = 100 cents
Capital city: Bratislava (population 428 672)
Territorial division: 8 Higher-Tier Territorial Units
* Bratislava
* Trnava
* Nitra
* Trenčín
* Žilina
* Banská Bystrica
* Prešov
* Košice
Neighbouring countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria
Area: 49 035 km2
Population: 5 379 455 (51.4% women)
Population density: 109/km2
Ethnicity of the population: Slovak (85.8%), Hungarian (9.7%), Romany (1.7%), Czech (0.8%), Rusyn, Ukrainian, Russian, German, Polish and others (2%)
Population by religion: believers (84.1%) of which
Roman Catholic (68.9%), Evangelical (6.9%), Greek Catholic (4.1%), Reform Christian (2%), undetermined (2.2%), atheist (13.7%)
Membership of international organisations: EU, NATO UN, UNESCO, OECD, OBSE, CERN, WHO, INTERPOL.