Information Reports

Development of prices in production area in December 2013

Output prices of the domestic market dropped by 0,1 % in December 2013, compared with November 2013. Prices fell in electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply by 0,6 % and in water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation by 0,1 %. Prices grew in mining and quarrying by 1,2 % and in manufacturing by 0,2 %.

Developments of Residential Property Prices in Slovakia

The property prices have a significant effect on household spending and indebtedness, the mortgage market, investment development and ultimately also on overall economic activity, overall price changes and global financial and monetary stability in the medium and long term.

Development of residential property prices in Slovakia - average prices in € per m2:

Year Price in €/m2 Year 2002=100 Y on Y change in %
2013 1Q    1,240 209.5 0.4
2012 1237 209.0 -1.1
2011 1251 211.3 -3.1
2010 1291 218.1 -3.9
2009 1344 227.0 -11.1
2008 1511 255.2 22.1

Transparency International: Police, Judiciary and President belong to the weakest Institutions in the fight against corruption

While Slovakia has a standard legal framework to support integrity, implementation is lacking. The Police Force, Judiciary, President, and Public Procurement Office have scored the lowest and are thus considered to be the weakest institutions in Slovakia.

Slovak Economic Sentiment in January 2011

Slovakia - In January 2011, the economic sentiment indicator (ESI) has improved by 1,9 to 97,1 percentage points. The indicator development has been affected by an increase of confidence in industry and in trade. The economic sentiment indicator has increased by 12,3 points, year-on-year, and it is still behind the long-term average by 0,8 p.p.

Economic Freedom in Slovakia Worsened in 2010 due to Corruption

The economic freedom in Slovakia worsened last year, the 2011 Index of Economic Freedom released by the Heritage Foundation says. Slovakia dropped two spots from last year while its overall score has decreased by 0.2 point, mainly as a result of declines in freedom from corruption and property rights. A year ago the country gained 0.3 points.

Economic Freedom in Slovakia

New Electronic Toll System Started in Slovakia

The Slovak Republic changes the system of charging the road infrastructure from highway stickers to the electronic toll collection system. The new electronic tolling system put into operation at midnight on 1st January 2010.

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