The Change in Statement Formulation to EU Legislation

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic is preparing the change to the mechanism of statement formulation to EU legislation. The current mechanism has been in force for nine years and was updated for the last time in 2007.

This reform aims at evaluating the existing procedures and amending the cooperation among ministries and Parliament (the National Council of the Slovak Republic). The Ministry says it want to see that this mechanism is more flexible and efficient, more in tune with the Lisbon Treaty in terms of experience and application. The reform of the mechanism is also necessary due to the preparations for the Council of the EU in the latter half of 2016.

"In this regard, a wide spectrum of opinions and impetuses is of key importance for us. Therefore, we offer a sounding board to individuals, legal entities, special interest associations and others to express own opinions on the existing mechanism," the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs informed in press release.

The reform should be finalized in September 2013.

/Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic/

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